Literally...I hit my head so hard on a slanty European-architecture weird wall in our bedroom while cleaning up toys and that's when I decided to call it a day. It hasn't been a bad day, just a loooong day.
Yesterday, my friend and I set out with out our children to Mulhouse (pronounced Ma-Lose), a town in France about 30 minutes from our town, to look for a store she was interested in seeing. We found ourselves (and the store) in a mall and ate at the equivalent French Olive Garden. I haven't set foot in a mall in Switzerland/France/Germany (we live where all 3 countries intersect) since moving here over a year ago so it was a tiny thrill. The bigger thrill for me was discovering the Toys R Us/ Babies R Us next door. The Toys R Us portion was huge but the baby section was pretty dismal. So, I decided to explore further and found more Babies R Us stores in Switzerland. I drove 30 minutes this morning to another store (in Switzerland) and was pleasantly surprised. It's not the huge big box stores we are used to in the US, but there were some interesting things to look at. $400 later I was home with a new stroller, some new toys and the things that stick on the bottom of the bath tub so the babe doesn't slip and slide while bathing. This was great. Then...
I go to pick up Mickey at daycare at 1:30pm and was told he had just woken up from a nap. Great for him, baaaaad for mommy. This means he wouldn't nap when we got home so we had lots of time to kill before his 7pm bedtime. We explored around town, ran a few errands and ended up at the park. There were two other moms there with their babies (all around the same age) so the kids played together for a bit. It was very cute. Mickey fell backwards into the covered sandbox where there was no sand and had a good cry but quickly recovered. He also tried to eat lots of leaves and sticks and attempted to snuggle with one of the other mommies so he could grab her glasses (that's my boy!).
After returning home, watching a short video, eating a snack and taking a bath, my little guy was in no mood for the world. He had had enough. It was way past the numbers of hours in a row that he is usually awake and he was letting me know it. I tried my best to keep him entertained but nothing would hold his interest. At this point, my head was pounding and I was feeling ready for bed myself (at 6pm, glamorous life!). This is when I decided enough was enough and started to clean up the toys. As I stood up from where the toy basket was BAM! I hit my head so hard I had to sit down and catch my breath. I wanted to cry my eyes out because ouchie!! It really hurt. But a crying adult and cranky baby would get us no where. This is when I decided it was a little early and will probably result in an early morning wake up but oh well, time for bed.
Mickey drank 1oz of milk and promptly passed out. It's 7:15pm and I am about to do the same. It's amazing how Friday nights have changed since having a baby. Hopefully hitting my pillow will knock me out. Luckily, hitting the wall didn't! :-)
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