Monday, November 14, 2011

A Month Gone By

It all began a month ago when my son started sprouting molars. Unlike any other of the 8 teeth that came before, these caused major crankiness, multiple wakings at night and fever. Fever means he can't go to school and the things mommy really needs to get done get put on hold. The worst of it lasted about 7 days and it was painful for the babe and for me.

Then came the intensive German course I signed myself up for so willingly. 5 days a week, 90 minutes a day and homework (Class is 16 weeks long. Today we started week 5. UGH!). I haven't worked in 3 years and I think I actually forgot what it was like to get myself dressed and out of the house by a certain time each day. I didn't anticipate the part about getting my son out of the house as well making week 1 of German a bit rough. We finally got the hang of it and seem to be ready to take on the world with our coats, hats and gloves on at 7:30am.

After I got settled into my course, the real madness began. My husband's birthday arrived and I made special arrangements to surprise him with a group of our friends stopping in for pizza and cupcakes. His mom was also flying in that same day and I had to travel an hour to pick her up from the airport. It was all ok because the baby was at daycare and I had the whole morning to get what I needed done. So, I made the cupcakes and pizzas from scratch, set the table, chilled the champagne, made his birthday card and wrapped his gifts. I finally made it into the shower only to discover a missed call when I got out. It was the daycare. My son had a high fever and needed to be picked up. Party cancelled, baby traveling with me to the airport (a 3 hour car ride roundtrip because of rush hour traffic) and 3 large pizzas and 24 cupcakes made for a dinner for 3. My son had a fever for another 4 days. A bit of a disappointment for me but we had a nice evening in spite of it all.

The hubby and I took advantage of his mom visiting and went to Berlin for 2 days. We enjoyed seeing the sites and saw The Kooks in concert. We got to sleep in and have a leisurely breakfast then we flew back home in time for dinner Sunday night. It was the first time I was away from my baby so my stress level was very high, but we had a great trip.

After returning from Berlin, it was time to get ready for my son's birthday and my wedding anniversary.  I made a video of Mickey's first year and also finished up his baby book. It was a nice reminder of where we were a year ago and how much he has grown. His party was full of the people here in Switzerland who have known him since birth and it was neat to see how much this little guy is loved. We have amazing friends all over the world and I was reminded how blessed we are by all of them.

Last night Michael and I went to dinner and had a great time together. We have had an amazing amount of transitions in our 3 years of marriage: Getting married (twice!), moving to Singapore, moving to Switzerland then having a baby 8 weeks later. Each transition has taught us more about each other and the more I learn about my husband, the more I love him. It was nice to be together after a busy weekend and celebrate our anniversary. mother-in-law leaves tomorrow and I think life will return to a bit of normal for a few weeks. I will do my best to blog more and maybe even post some pictures. But for now, my eyes are closing and I can't wait to turn out the lights and sleep. It has been quite a month...wonderful and busy and full of new adventures and celebrations.

Off to bed I go...

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