I really should have written this on Sunday but yesterday I was busy playing blocks, reading "Moo, Baa, La La La" and watching Elmo with the babe. We've had a lot of rain lately, so indoors is where we have to stay. It's not ideal but we're making it work.
Highlight of the Week
I talked about Friday being the first real cold day of the season and me hoping to get a nap. Mickey seemed to have some sniffles when he woke up that morning and when I picked him up from school, it had turned into a full blown cold. He was tired so I immediately put him down for his nap when we got home. 20 minutes later, he was standing in his crib crying. I thought I would attempt to rock him back to sleep. My attempt worked and I decided that instead of trying to put him back in his crib and risk waking him up, I would sleep there in the rocking chair with him. We both had the most glorious 90 minute nap, snuggled together under a few baby blankets.
I woke up before he did and just thought about how peaceful it is in his nursery. I'm not sure what it is about that room. Maybe it's that it was the first room in the house I painted while 9 months pregnant, home alone and in a new country or the sweet memories I have of times spent in there with my new bundle. Even when Mickey is gone, I sometimes go in there and sit for a few minutes to just relax. Having my son on my chest that afternoon forced me to shut everything else out and just close my eyes. It was exactly what I needed.
Weight/Exercise Update
(Data according to my fitness watch)
Exercise Goal: 6 hours 20 minutes
Achieved: 7 hours
Calories Burned Goal: 1600
Calories Burned: 1191
Weight at Start of Week: 131.8
Weight at End of Week: 129.8
So...my calories burned were low and I think it's because I only had about 2 hours of high intensity workouts as far as my heart rate is concerned. I walked a lot and also took a body pump class (focused on lifting weights) that does not elevate my heart rate to a huge calorie burning level. However, I lost 2lbs, which is great!!! The gym was also closed for a few days for renovation, which threw me off my routine.
This week I want to be sure to keep my eye on my goals of exercise and eating healthy. I am happy to see my weight going down but know this is when I tend to cut myself a little slack and that is absolutely the wrong thing to do. I am getting dressed right now to head for the gym and will give it all I've got!
Happy Monday everyone!!
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