Tuesday, September 6, 2011

My First Real Day Alone

Yesterday was my baby's first real, long day of daycare and I had 8 hours all to myself. It was very tough dropping him off. He immediately started crying and I felt awful. I stood outside the door for a few minutes (probably the wrong thing to do for myself. He couldn't see me) and convinced myself he had stopped crying before I left. The house seemed very empty when I walked in and I had no idea what to do. I felt like just walking around and doing nothing but knew it wouldn't help so it was time to get busy. Here is a list of what I accomplished:

3 loads of laundry folded and put away
Cleaned kitchen
killed a big, hairy spider (ick!)
Took out the garbage
Did the recycling
Went to the bank, the pharmacy and the grocery store
Cleaned my desk
Filed papers
Paid bills
Made baby food
Ground coffee
Changed sheets
Put things away downstairs in storage

Once I picked him up from school, I realized I hadn't sat down all day. Amazing what nervous energy can do. The teachers told me he did great! He settled down and played, ate and slept. Everything a mother could ask for so I really had nothing to worry about. And now that all my work's done, I might be able to sit down on Wednesday and watch tv or something. Pretty soon I'll start my German lessons and should start going to the gym again but for now I will enjoy the quiet time on Wednesday (and miss my son terribly!).

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