Monday, September 19, 2011

Kid Fight

I broke up a kid fight today. I was walking to pick up my Bubba from daycare and passed by the school next to our house. In front of me were three kids who were probably in third grade. They were goofing around (or what appeared to be that) when two of the boys got angry and started kicking and punching each other! It was strange because I thought for a moment about what I should do. Then the mama bear/lunch lady in me sprung into action. I got right in between them and yelled "knock it off!" They immediately stopped (thank goodness) and the young girl started explaining to me in German that one of the boys was trying to break her umbrella. I told them it didn't matter and they should keep walking and leave each other alone. One of the trouble makers walked the other way so it was all good. It was one of those situations that caught me off guard because suddenly I had to be the adult. I realize they probably thought I was a kid myself until I jumped in. Sadly, they were about as tall as me. Sigh...

Other than the afternoon 3rd grade brawl, today was a productive day. I decided to head to the gym and got a 90 minute workout in. Combined with walking the babe to and from daycare, my total exercise today was 2.5 hours burning 650 calories (according to my heart monitor). This is excellent progress for a Monday. Tomorrow I will do a P90X dvd while M is sleeping. I made myself a chart today that has 56 days on it. My goal is to put a lot of smiley faces on it (for the days I exercise) and be down 10lbs by the time the chart is complete. I will continue the P90X as well as go to the gym and eat lots of healthy food. Let's hope for good health for me and the baby so we can make days like today part of our routine. That would make this mama very happy!

1 comment:

  1. You're killing me with all this exercise!!! But I bet it is very much like all your dancing and drama days. So you are enjoying the moving! I plan to try to walk an hour a day? How's that for a goal???
