Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Big To-Do About the To Do List

Well, I've been meaning to blog for some time now but I got pregnant and then got REALLY tired. Oh my goodness. Running after my son and keeping up the house have me in bed by 8pm most days. I know, really exciting stuff.

I've been thinking a lot lately about what needs to get accomplished before our little girl arrives. We moved to Switzerland August 25, 2010 when I was 31 weeks pregnant with my son (where I am right now with this baby). I had a full, ugly pregnant cry when the relocation lady told me our things would take 8-12 weeks to arrive from Singapore. I thought about all the things I wanted to get done before the baby arrived and how circumstances being what they were, I had to accept that it was probably not going to happen. So, I focused on what could be done. I painted walls, finished our family scrapbook for the year and read books on babies. Thankfully, our things arrived, my mother-in-law flew in and within a week, the house was unpacked and put together. My son came at 42 weeks instead of 40 so I even had some time to relax!

This time around, I don't have the same energy. The urge to nest is making an endless list in my head yet I can only accomplish a few of the "to-do" tasks everyday before I crash. It's making me a little nuts! All the little girl's things are neatly sitting in her room ready for me to wash bedding and clothes, hang pictures and make sure we have all the things she will need for her first few months of life (which I know is really just mom and some warm clothes). The list goes on and on.

So, I've decided I can't keep driving myself so crazy with this list. I have to start focusing on what can get done each day and know that it will all be in place on time. What's important is saving lots of energy for my family and making sure I'm in a good place to bring this baby into the world. She'll have clothes, she'll have food and most importantly she'll have love.

Now if only we could decide on a name. AHHH.