Monday, January 30, 2012


It's snowing outside!! OK, not tons of snow. It's more like slush but it's white and pretty and I'm ok with it melting as soon as it hits the ground. Since I'm recovering from my cold/flu from hell, I dropped my bubby off at daycare and have spent the day inside getting things done around the house. I paid bills, washed and folded many loads of laundry, cleaned the kitchen, made spaghetti sauce and started my homemade chicken stock for the chicken noodle soup we will enjoy later for dinner. Yum. Then I sat down to take a break and was so happy to see the white, fluffy, cold stuff falling from the sky.

Basel has a nice, mild climate. It gets cold and snows but snow doesn't stay on the ground long. Last year, it started snowing almost immediately after my son was born in November. Living in Singapore for 2 years where the only cold breeze came from air conditioning, it really felt like winter to me. We had a white Thanksgiving and a white Christmas. A first for me being a California girl. I loved it!

But what I loved most was the snuggly, new baby I had in my arms. Since we were fairly new in town and didn't have much to do or places to go, I spent most of my days holding my newborn, watching tv and watching the snow fall. It was the coziest winter of my life (so far). I look back on our first winter here in Basel with such fondness. Now, I couldn't get my son to sit and watch a 10 minute video if I tried. He's too busy exploring his new legs and trying to get in, on or under everything! How fast he's grown from a bundle of snuggles to a strong, busy little boy (who still enjoys the occasional snuggle).

I've purchased his snow suit for this year and am looking forward to the new memories that will be made with this new snow. Hopefully tomorrow it will stay on the ground just long enough to make a snow angel or two.

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