Sunday, October 10, 2010

Trying to Keep Baby -- and other things -- Off the Brain

I know -- this is a very exciting time in one's life. We are 20 days away from the birth of our little bundle of joy and when I think about it I can hardly sit still from all the excitement. This little babe will change everything we've thought of the world up till now and I can't wait for all of the happiness, frustration, delight and sleep deprivation he will bring.

These are great thoughts to be having and 20 days away from the babe, I should be having them but this past week was overwhelming in a way I'd never experienced. Moving threw a huge wrench in my "yay we're having a baby" story. When the hubby first approached me about moving I took all the usual factors into consideration. Yes, I would be 8 months pregnant but what that actually meant in terms of moving I had no idea. WELL, when the 700 boxes arrived on our doorstep on Monday I thought I was going to die! It's not nice to do that to a pregnant lady who is nesting and needs a clean, organized environment to do things like wash baby clothes and sterilize baby toys.

I immediately began unpacking. I was on a roll until Thursday when I hit a wall at 100 miles per hour. My mind and body would not let me go on. Completely shutting out the reality of my situation was the only option. So, I took 3 naps, skyped with my family and snacked all day in bed (side note: I'm sure there are women who have done this pregnant AND have jobs so I realize the luxury of my situation most days but still...). It was this day I realized I am not a superhuman pregnant lady, I can't do it all and some things will just have to wait until the following day, week, or whenever we get to it.

So, this is a lesson in "one thought at a time" for me (forget one day at a time). If I think about how soon the baby is coming, I freak out and feel like I need to finish his room right this minute!!! This is when taking deep breaths and letting myself know it will all get done is the only thing I can do. I need to think no other thought than "it will all get done, it will all get done" and focus on the one task in front of me at any given moment because it will all get done and when it does I will have baby on the brain 100% of the time and it will be great! The end is in sight... :-)

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