Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Safety in Singapore

In the subways of Singapore they show these mini "movies" on safety tips. Today was the first day I actually paid attention and was amazed. First, the video showed all the attacks in the last few years on subways like London and Mumbai. I mean, they don't just mention the attacks but show bloody victims and bodies and all the ugliness that went along with those tragedies. Then the video says "DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN TO US." After the blood comes the actors showing how we should be aware of our surroundings on the train, watch those who look suspicious and report any bags that are left alone.

Safety is a number one priority here. They don't mess around. I've been reading about the drug cartel activity and the drugs that are brought into the US. If you are caught with a large amount of drugs in Singapore, they hang you! As one unlucky American boy learned years ago, you are cained for graffiti or defacing property. The penalties for committing crimes are so high that people don't even risk it here.

I know these punishments sound extreme and they are but (the big BUT), something is working to keep this population of 4 million safe. It's a nice feeling to live in such a peaceful place. There are signs on every taxi here that say "Low crime doesn't mean no crime." It's a statement to remember. But I do enjoy walking to the corner at 1am to get yummy Chinese food. Safety has its perks!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, only 4 million people and they've built their country to up where it is now, amazing. Pete is going to Singapore to visit you in the summer, how fun! Later.

